Monday, September 5, 2011

Joseph and Emma

Boys have started school this week and Ben and Emma will start preschool this week. We decided to put the boys in different classes this year to help them not rely to much on each other and to cultivate different friends.

yesterday in primary, one of the counselors started talking about how there are little kids on Afghanistan that die every winter because it it so cold and the kids cannot keep warm.
"what can you burn if you have to keep warm?"
little kid #1, "wood."
little kid #2,"wood."
little kid #3,"trees."
little kid #4, "wood."
little kid #5, "wood."
Joseph, "dead bodies."

Now, I wasn't there, but Tanya was, and she was plenty embarrassed. A handful of other adults there thought it was pretty funny. But here I am trying to think if he had seen any of of my zombie apocalypse movies or anything, and the nearest i can figure is 'Plants vs. Zombies.'

Still better lay off the zombie references for a bit.


last week we were all sitting at the table eating lunch when emma states, " I just wish we could go to Jesus's castle."
"Do you mean the Temple?"
"Yeah, the temple. But i don't know who I'm gonna marry!!" She didn't finish that sentence before she broke down in tears, and was holding her face in her hands.

She is four.

I have often said that there is a fundamental difference between boys and girls, even from birth.

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